Oferta pracy w projekcie w Pracowni Obrazowania Mózgu Instytutu Nenckiego PAN w Warszawie
Uczenie głębokie w badaniu plastyczności połączeń korowych ssaków naczelnych po uszkodzeniach pierwszorzędowej kory wzrokowej

PostDoc position MCBO 7/2020

PostDoc position available in the International Centre for Translational Eye Research, a subunit of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS within the International Research Agenda funded by Foundation for Polish Science Project No. MAB 10/2018 entitled “INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR TRANSLATIONAL EYE RESEARCH (ICTER)” (leader Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski)
The International Center for Translational Eye Research (ICTER) is a multi-investigator center for eye research as related to imaging and biochemical techniques to support advances in understanding the etiology and treatment and human blinding diseases. Further information on the research priorities and current expertise of our Center can be found at http://www.icter.pl.
The ICTER searches candidates with a Ph.D. degree experienced in computational biology techniques such as neuronal network modeling, electrophysiological data analyses and/or machine and deep learning algorithms. Candidates should be interested in translational research and the development of new therapies to cure blindness or other diseases. The postdoctoral scholar will have a direct impact on lab development and its success in publishing in high impact factor journals. The person will be also responsible for performing dynamic research to create a competitive research group. The position will be assigned to Ophthalmic Biology Group led by Andrzej Foik Ph.D. focusing on the development of new viral therapies, visual information processing in the visual system before and after plasticity that happens due to vision recovery or disease.

More info: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/528282?fbclid=IwAR0eHZn7w-5IfwF8zuzJLtq5KyLmFITJ-M74snMkg_125BAbkr5pP4BbUHo