PhD, Neuroinformatics
Damiano Gentiletti, PhD student, received the Bachelor’s (2009) and Master’s degrees (2012) in Applied Mathematics at the University of Camerino, Italy. In 2011 he was accepted as a visiting scholar at the Department of Mathematics of the Université Pierre et Marie CURIE, Paris, where he became interested in the applications of Mathematics to Neurobiology. After completing his studies, he moved to Warsaw in 2013 to start a PhD career at the Department of Biomedical Physics, Warsaw University. He is currently working on a computational model of human epilepsy. The model is based on experimental data provided by the Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta of Milan, Italy. Damiano Gentiletti is also involved in teaching classes of Advanced Statistics and Statistical programming at the Warsaw University Institute of Experimental Physics. His scientific interests include Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics, Biomathematics, computational modeling of biological processes, Statistics and Data Science.
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